Quote Originally Posted by Soraii View Post
So much I want to say but so little really matters. In standing up for my beliefs I have alienated myself from this community, alienated myself from my friends, and turned myself into a despised outcast proponent for peoples own choice.
NOoo. NO. NO. NO! OOOOHHH no. Don't EVEN try this.

You did alienate yourself from your friends, your own choice on more then one occasion if I remember accurately. You get yourself into situations by how you react to things, push people away, lash out at people that try to help you, stamp your feet then threaten to quit. This has happened more then once, Soraii. THAT is how you've alienated yourself from not only your friends but from a good portion of the community. There's only so much sympathy people are going to give someone before they just get tired of having to constantly stroke someone's fragile ego.

Don't even try to make yourself into a martyr. What happened to you in regards to your rp was awful. No doubt there. But you're not the first person this has happened to.

I've lost two friends now because of the RP police...and I've lost another friend because of how YOU treated them. You state people should come to each other in a calm rational manner, not in a belligerent tirade. Well practice what you preach bud. You get what you give and as far as I'm concerned, this was nothing but karma coming your way.

"Despised outcast proponent for peoples own choice?"

You were just as vocal about not liking some of the rp choices of others. You adopted the behavior because you wanted to be accepted into a group. The reasons for that are fairly obvious. You were ousted from your other rp group because you blew up, stamped your feet, threatened to quit and basically treated another individual like complete garbage. The exact same way you were treated. And that person has left the game.

You've treated people just as badly as you say you've been treated. The hypocrisy of yourself for saying some of the things you have said, is what has pushed me into no longer speaking to you. The constant attitude of 'woe is me! I'm so misunderstood' then exploding into a massive ball of dramafest, is what made me not want to have anything to do with you. Everytime there has ever been major drama on the shard since I've returned to the game, I have found you sulking in the middle, threatening to quit because 'woe is you.'

and THAT is why you have alienated yourself from the community. Because of your typical erratic explosions of drama. Only this time you aired it out like dirty laundry on the forums hiding behind the guise of 'woe is me, I'm being persecuted for my rp beliefs." That's what irritates me the most. Where were you when the exact same thing happened to Tchanel or Sigvard, oh mighty proponent for people's own choice? Oh that's right...you're one of the people that unleashed unholy amounts of discord on Sigvard. Hypocrite indeed. Look at your own self before you even try pointing the finger at others. I didn't see you saying anything when Tchanel posted about his leaving for the exact same reasons. Where were you then?

I apologize to the mods, my guild (save the member who this is directed to) who in no way shares my beliefs, and to everyone on the Order shard for posting this but that little diatribe of vitriol is NOT something I'm going to let just sit there unchallenged. I see BS and I'm calling it.