I am new to Istaria only been around just over a month but I have come far and seen a great deal of sights in that time. I have slayed many foes and crafted many a piece of armor and thus I have farmed a good deal of tech mats for me and my guildies.

This leads me to one thing, for there difficulty the undead in any area do not drop tech materials enough. My latest adventures bring me to the saytr islands and it's not bad enough that I have wait for the right type of undead to show up but so far I have killed close to 50 veteran zombies and none of them has dropped a rib yet this does not bode well for the 16 ribs I need to collect.

I have very few people on blight to call upon when I need such things we have no real economy and only the fact that the regular blight players are really nice has made it possible to stay on blight. I think that all undead have crazy low drop rates for how dangerous they are to hunt please do something help us out.

I have recently heard of an NPC named Nadia that sold tech mats at high prices not sure if she was on every server when you took her out but she sounds like someone that would help blighters get by with the lack of economy.
