I am one of those old old schoolers contemplating a return. I started on Twilight shortly after release, but ended up making my home on Blight due to the community. Then one day Blight mysteriously shut down and went awol and after waiting for several weeks for it to come back up again, I left. I've been playing WoW for the past 4 years I think, but have found myself really missing the sense of community I had here in Istaria.

My main thing is crafting, being able to learn ALL/EVERYTHING that there is to learn (within a chosen profession), and being able to get the materials one might need solo. I've come to really dislike the "you can't get that recipe anymore because the NPC who sold it has been removed from the game" or "you can't get the mats for that recipe/item anymore because nobody runs those dungeons anymore" or "you need an ungodly amount of rep to buy that recipe and unless you can solo the instance to get the drops to get the rep, you're SoL". So my biggest questions is - Should I decide to become a Confectioner, or Alchemist, or Jeweler, or Spellcrafter...is it still possible to learn every recipe/technique that that crafting profession has to offer? Or will I run into some item that an original character created way back when who never left the game made, say "Hey, I'd like to be able to make that too." and be told "Sorry, you can't get the recipe for that anymore."

I also recall it being a tremendous inconvenience trying to transfer items from one character to another. I disliked greatly having to use a vendor/consigner for that. What is the best way to get an item from one char. on your account to another? Please tell me this has changed.

Blight appears to be up and running and livable again. Is this actually the case?

And as far as plots/lairs go, I'm assuming that the community is still small enough that there's room for everybody? I had 2 plots back in the day, 1 in Kion and 1 way out in the boondocks that I can't remember the name of.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

A little about myself: Stay at home mom of one 2 yo. When I'm not running errands, getting groceries, or taking my son to some activity, I'm logged on during the day, with a 'chronic afk' clause. I need that balance of a nice friendly community for socialization and cooperation + the ability to solo effectively so I don't have to constantly say "Sorry, afk poopy diaper," or "My son just woke up from nap, have to go," or "Need 10 mins to get the boy some food."

Look forward to meeting you in-game.

Kat >^..^<