You ever gone on the internet and had a feeling something bad was about to happen? Well I do.... I just never listen to them.

I decided today to go check my DA messages before they started to pile up. Then out of the blue, "Adobe Reader" starts up.
"Hmm strange, I didn't press or click on anything that would want to make it start....lets see what happens."-stupid, very stupid idea.

It is when I see my computer working extra hard that the feeling of impending doom creeps up my spine... and with good reason. Of course, it another freakin virus pretending to be an antivirus (aka scareware). Just....f**ing... perfect.
The virus attempts to "scan" so I attempt to stop it by just turning the computer off all together. But of course, it is far too late. I go to turn my computer back on and of course there it is again, trying to "scan".

I swear... this site has it out for me.
For the second time I have gotten a rather NASTY virus while visiting this particular website. Seems strange that it seems to only happen to my computer. Maybe the protection isn't 100%, or maybe it just really really bad luck.

So I contact norton (unfortunately I went by phone meaning I had to wait.....and wait...and wait some freaking more while listening to the world's worst collection of music records. Note to self: use the internet next time genius.)

I paid the fee, which wasn't easy to get the Credit Card from my dad. Apparently he thinks I am purposely trying to screw up my PC and exclaimed why I am not learning how to fix stuff like this myself in college (gee.. maybe it because I am in business school? -.-). His advice is to "just ignore it". But if you ever had would realize that ignoring it.. is NOT an option. :P

An hour later I had fun watching support clean and tune my PC up for me. Yea.

After they had removed the virus, I was asked to go visit websites I normally went to, to make sure everything worked okay. So of course, I went back to Deviantart where the problem had occured.
And with the tech expert watching... I GOT IT AGAIN. Or atleast it tried. Because they had also updated my version of norton, it caught it this time and removed it.

Apparently there is something wrong with the website or so says the tech expert. Still seems weird considering I have so many friends who use it and never had a problem with it. But seeing as how all my other normally visited websites are behaving themselves.... maybe it is just DA.

Needless to say.... I won't be on DA anymore. Sorry to those who watch me there, but there is something seriously wrong with this site so I am going to stay FAAAAAAAR away from it as possible.

In closing: I hate the internet and all who were responsible for its creation. May they all go to hell.