ok- in other threads we wrote, what we do not like to see in Istaria.

Lets collect ideas here, what we want to see.
But please:

*be precise (just "new content" e.g. is not precise).
*Lets not beat dead horses ( e.g. dragonriding, furniture, *sniff* WA attacs).
*Always consider our engine and the manpower which is at our disposal.

I`ll start with (in random order):

- festivals of all kinds (old and new ones)

- new structures for plots (a pond, a little creek, hedges with blossoms,
trees with fruits, different jackalopes, vegetable patches)

- quests to just relax ( maybe a player contest will give some ideas/input)

- quests that bring together players of all ratings (e.g.: you need a low level to do part one, a middle level to continue, a high level to complete- but all have to be in group for quest reward in the end)

- fluff stuff

- money sinks

What are your wishes?