Deep within the cold mysts of the snowy mountains blows the cold ice of Istaria's regions lies a stone of frozen water. Its frozen clister cracks abit as you could see a faint shape of what looks like a dragon frozen within its place. Winds of the north begin to increase as the clouds above begin to form of a white, cold twister of snow. A low voice could be heard of the clouds as though conjouring a spell itself.
Within the twister zoning farther inside its own essence could see what looks like a portal leading to the abyss. Space and time didn't exist, only its formation of the energy that came within it. A worm hole was persented within the twisted neather as purple lightning and thunder cracks the dark zone as another portal was presented within the dark neather. Light could be seen from the other side. Deep within the unknown lands could see burned marks of the Blight tainting the lands as thundering of what looks to be a battle between the Withered Agis and the civillions of Istaria begin. A young light blue dragonoss takes a swip at a skeleton as she knocks it fowards witha power blow. Suddely when one was destroyed more were entering the feilds. ' CARSIA! ' Yelled her ancheint grandfather, ' Get out of here! ' She turns around seeing Ryunaker within the distance as his landing rumbles the ground. He steps back as he begins to cast a powerful fire spell knocking the blight back. She frowns, ' Grandpa, I wanna help.' She whins as the huge red dragon roars,' Your still too young to fight this battle. Head back somewhere safe. ' She frowns as she started to fly off a worl wind begin to suck the land below from above. She looks up seeing a worl pool from above lifting up some of the blight within the portal. Ryunaker and Hashe holds fermly onto the ground . Hashe yelled,' Hold onto something! ' Protecters of Istaria begin to scatter to hold onto something. Few were swepted inside followed with landscape. Carsia looked around trying to find something to hold on to as she was begining to be swept away aswell. Ryunaker quickened and leeped fowards towards Carsia's paw. ' Gotcha! ' As she yelps holding onto the big red paw of her grandfather's. ' Hold on Carsia! ' As both their grips were tight, it wasn't tight enough to stop the vortex sucking her away. Carsia's grip begin to fade as he held on tighter before both knew it. Ryunaker lost his grip. Roaring aswell as Hashe, Carsia was swept into the vortex of the twistted neather and was swept along the worm hole. Quickly behind as hashe began to follow. The portal dissapears. Feeling everthing fall from the black hole's grip. Ryunaker could hear a wimper of hashe's cries. ' We'll find a way to get her back. I promise you. '
To be continued.....