I started painting our house this month. It began with scraping; I figured I gained a bunch of levels in learning how a power washer worked and how to scrape only the loose paint without damaging the wood beneath. I could tell I was gaining skill points as my efficiency improved.

I gained a few more levels in fixing boards. Some were just loose, so hammering a few nails in worked; other required replacing altogether. Learning to pull boards without damaging the ones above them made me thing I made it to a new tier. I figured I gained another tier in having to replace the rotted boards behind a damaged baseboard... or maybe it was multiclassing, learning carpentry? Is pine wood tier 0 ? I made it up to cedar with the siding, but I'm still not very good at handling that.

Next came primer. I already had skill points in handling paint brushes from working on sets for the local theatre group, so I was near maximum efficiency with that. I'm low tier, though, because getting the right paint color to go over top of it took several tries.

I figure I made tier 2 housepainting with trim work (including spindles all around the porch, ugh!) that was a different color than the main paint. It's all latex, though; I suppose higher tier would be oils and indoor paint?

Anyway, part of our house is looking better despite my inexperience. One thing is for sure: I much prefer crafting in Istaria!!