This is not a crafting calculator, this calculator deals specifically with lair/plot construction. As of right now, it's just lairshaping.

---A little background---
I started working on a much smaller version of this program for Raptress to help her streamline her lairshaping while at the same time giving me a project with a practical application to work on and possibly some resume material.

After some positive feedback from her plus a number of friends, I decided to rewrite the program entirely and introduce more functionality for the program. (And more readability in the code for me). After roughly a week and a half, I've now got the program I will be presenting to the community.

---Why I'm posting this---
This calculator is at the point where it will do more than enough for what my friends would use it for. However, I'm curious what you guys might think of it and should it generate enough interest I'll continue working on it.

---Current features---
  • Choose to assume optimal skill, or provide your own.
  • Select which tier you're working with.
  • Two input methods; Input by component or input by room.
  • Will take your total construction components and, based on efficiency, calculate for you:

1. Refined resources required for each construction component.
2. Refined resources required in total
3. Raw resources required in total
  • Lets you then save your results to a text file.

Note: This calculator only currently works with lairshaping.

--- Possible features planned for future builds ---
  • The ability to save and load your skills.
  • Moving from a console app to a windows app.

You may wonder what the point is in a calculator like this when there is already a crafting calculator. Well, the entire reason why I decided to design and code this program is because the people I knew who did lairshaping, rarely ever used the crafting calculator because it was almost as much work as just writing it down and doing the calculations themselves.

This program is designed specifically to let you enter the skillpoints you will be working at, the construction components you need to make, and get a list of what you need to make said construction components based on your skills and what tier you're working with. I've done a fair bit of bug crushing but there's always something, so you might find a bug here and there. If you do, I would love for you to report it here.

And without further ado, I now present you with the download link courtesy of Raptress: Construction Calculator.exe Beta v0.1

Any feedback/suggestions would be much appreciated.