Quote Originally Posted by Andaras View Post
I totally agree with what Velea said, it mirrors what I've said in
other threads about RP.

Instead of letting the "bad apples" win by driving you out of the
community, might I make a suggestion?

Put them on IGNORE. If enough of the community did that, those
wishing to irritate the entire community with their RP would lose.
Keep in mind, there are those that want to RP with an unusual
twist Vs those that wish to make a negative impact on the community.
It is the Latter I am talking about here.

let these words be the words on the wind....*heaves a sigh*
what Sephi said!

I do not mind folks who want an unusual twist. My only problem with this suggestion is I suspect there would be no one to RP with after that, which would be pretty much the same thing as leaving the RP community. Essentially, I AM ignoring them to be honest. That is the whole idea behind moving to private and saying "frell that junk".