Quote Originally Posted by awdz View Post
I like the idea of refurbished gear being available for tiers II - IV as well as tier I. By the time they get to the higher tiers, they will most likely be looking for crafters who can make properly tech'd gear anyway. I do not see how it hurts to have something minimal available to the desperate. It's not like crafters are falling over each other looking for business at the middle tiers.
I like this idea, mostly.

I have reservations that by doing such we will be programming the new
players into believing that the Imperium will provide them with everything.
With this early training and experience of "the Empire will provide all" they
will get frustrated when they hit "the end" of those provisions. At the risk
of sounding negative, I honestly feel like you are attempting to "cure

To me, it would best serve if players were trained from the beginning
how to get the best gear. Think raising a Child, it is the early formative
years (levels) that will create the foundation. Teach them yes, just don't coddle them and give them what they are whining for.
Vendors should steer the new players to look for Crafters for their
specific needs.
*Yoda voice* Mighty Dragon Crafter? Icabald, You seek Icabald, Yes!

I'd really really really like to see a system where the Crafters can have
their name(s) and possibly an Item Displayed as advertisement.
An Imperial Vendor can show players a list of Available (Online) crafters
for a specific set of gear. (Modified Player search - Crafting - Trade - Tier/Lvl of skill = List)

Para-Quote Sephi here -- My words are the wind.....
