Exactly what the title says.

Please tell us the theme song of each of your characters, and why you feel it fits them. Doesn't have to be an essay, a few sentances will suffice c:

Setesde duMhera: I can't really say. Because she's really not a roleplay character. More like my personal insertion into the game.

Monse Stillstep: Still under construction. For now, "She Will be Loved" by Jump 5.
While being your fairly typical passionate, desire-motivated satyr, he's got a strong sense of justice and a warm heart. He tends to be attracted to 'charity cases'.

Dhuum Tartaure: "Welcome Home", by Coheed and Cambria.
Something has simply gone twisted in this hatchling's mind. He is paranoid and power-hungry, takes harm done to him very personally, and harbors deep grudges. Besides, can't you just imagine a massive, rex-headed black dragon charging right at you during the intro? Of course, he's a hatchie and not much of a threat, but hatchlings grow up...