Been playing my dragon, the rather vivid green Tullamore Emeraldfire, for about a week now on Order, and thought I'd say 'hi!'

So far, I've finished all of the quests from Kerion and Avariatus on New Trismus, and have been sent off to Kion...quickly discovered that my levels need to be quite a bit higher to have a chance at surviving outside of the city itself. Currently, I'm at 13/12 (adventure/crafting), and my thought is that I'll need adventure at a minimum of 15 to really have a good shot at living.

Many thanks to a number of elder dragons who have offered help, suggestions and simply chat...and, HUGE thanks to two unknown (but, VERY large) dragons in Dralk who each donated an enormous amount of booty for my little hoard - unasked for, I might add, but greatly appreciated!

Now, I'll go back to impatiently waiting for the Tuesday Maintenance to be finished....
