i cant seem to find them anywhere.

no QM sells them

no mobs drop them. ive killed every intelligent mob and most non intelligent mobs lvl 40- 60 in the world. you name it i killed it. i have 0 t3 spell techs. in addition, i have exactly 4 jman forms drop in all that killing.

ive talked in MP, talked to friends...they are all having the same issue. i believe someone finally found a " few" greater ice blights that dropped a tech.

surely this level of tech's and forms should be more accessible?

i was under the assumption all intelliegent mobs had forms and techs on the loot table....was i misinformed?

undead sure arent droping them for this tier.neither are ogres, pygmies which i know drop them in t1 and t5.

any help would be apprieted, its really hard to make t3 teched stuff for lower lvls with no techs.

