(Welcome to my little writeing experiment, this is filled or will be with the adventures of one Coleraon Pesong, a 12 year old human who was thrown head first into the role of a gifted. though, he got more than he was expecting.)

The House Visit
The two Brothers, Brondaen and Coleraon, were crouched on a hill, examineing the layout of their former home. Cole was 12, Brondaen was 18. Cole gulped and said "Couldent we get lucky and NOT run into aegis for once in our lives? please? im getting tired of stareing at deadlands and now apparntly our ruined home." He noted he was whineing, but Cole couldent help it. Brondaen smirked.
"Cant get that lucky little brother. it is a good thing that you insisted on bringing the armor with though, i cant argue with that."

Cole scowled and examined the layout. there was the main house, remarkably intact. it was 2 storys tall and had several rooms. his eyes then wandered to the old forge, now blighted, and still in use, now by skeletons. how they were still smart enough to do that, he dident want to know. the treeline surronding was dead, and there was a pond with a small island in the middle. "I get the idea I dont want to drink from that...." Cole commented.

Brondaen stared down at the Undead walking around and hefted his staff. "are you ready Raon?" Raon was what Brondaen called Coleraon. Cole, natualy with his luck, said the words that basicly messed up what calmness was left for him. "Lets go, I've been waiting for this.." and they charged, the younger brother hefting his huge shield and the nightshade infused blade. the Elder brother had hung back to cast spells. pretty quick there was a huge mob of skeletons surronding Cole. that was good stragey wise, he was better suited for taking and dealing hits with his Platemail armor then his mage brother.

Pretty quick though, things went wrong. Coleraon was having trouble fending off all the undead, Brondaen was fine though, beating the skulls off anything that came near him. The Younger was blocking all the hits well, and slaying mulitple skeletons, what went wrong is when something lashed out to hit him while he was already blocking something else. in despration, he raised his sword arm, which got gouged open by the Blighted axe. the gash was a Blighted green, and he started feeling sick, but he finished the rest off. he bent to pant. when he saw the dragon though, things changed fast. now Cole was killed by a large blighted dragon, ancient sized, after he threw a toy sword in its eye. now, he saw it running towards him and Brondaen, Cole charged like a madman, while Brondaen freaked out, he was freaked out by dragons enough already..... he quickly casted a custom made spell on Cole, forceing him to recall. the pair had reappeared alive at New Trismus......but at what cost?

(thanks for reading, sorry if you think its a worthless wall of text, but hey, felt like writeing, and its nearly 2:00 am when im writeing this. hope you enjoyed!)