A black notebook, sealed with a red seal with apparently no key, in which the occasional goings on of the black adult shadow demoness known as Akumaa, Aku, Ku, Kumaa, Menace, and a few others are put in. It is written in white ink on the black pages, rather messy.

Well I thought I might find joy in reading those little stories from time to time! Even if -I- write them! Yeah! ...So, a journal, what a waste of time I'd say! But then again, I'd say it's not! Or it is....Who cares, but the little yellow grinning things say I'm right whatever I say, so...I'm going to believe Myself and eat Me!
On a lighter note, I kiiiind of found a whole new conspiracy that tries to take down the blight for their rise! This is so exciting, but I got a horrible headache....I gotta agree with Cey-cey, Curses are dangerous, no matter how many dark arts you'd even be a PART of! ...Then again, I'm apparently PINK. There can be nothing more dnagerous than that! Ew!
I guess I'll write in it more often! This feels funny to put your thoughts on a page! This sslik...Ss...S...Ssomething...Ssatenis? Ssaritis? Sscrazy? ...Whichever, I gotta keep a closer eye on them, without actually having to throw my EYES at him!

*it is simply signed Ku in a neatly writing*

((EDIT: sorry if the white is horrible to be read, just tell me if yes XD I'll change it to black next time just so it's read-able))