Hey there, Istarians. I was one of those that left during the... fiasco... that involved Istaria switching hands and Blight closing down and... lots of stuff that doesn't need to be re-hashed.

But what I'm wondering is this - Is there any easy way for me to see what improvements have been made to the game since Virtrium has taken control? I see that there are a few concept sketches here and there and I like the new dyes but... what about the memory leaks? What about the unstable underlying structure of the MMO itself? I remember there being a ton of user-maintenance required so that teleports in-game didn't take 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

Another concern was the tiering system for materials. Tier 1 was all well and good. Tier 2 a little harder and then.... you're spending an inordinate amount of time just figuring WHERE to go for Tier 3 materials. I remember that there was going to be a revamp for all of that... did that happen?

Gah! Sorry, but this game had a lot of small problems and I don't expect everything to have been solved in just 4 years, but I do wonder if the team is working on improving the underlying structure and user-friendliness of the game.

Finding where to go next and what you need to do to advance shouldn't be a massive hurdle in any MMO.