Hai there, I just saw in the post of Ceyra that awhile she asked if there were able to be spikes, then Kesqui posted an picture of his dragon's spikes, and I would like to ask someone if would be able to do something like that for my dragie. http://community.istaria.com/forum/a...8&d=1315505917
It looks very nice and I wanted it tough x.x

Aswell wanted to ask, if there isnt a way to turn the earfins from the earfined dragon into large ears. Some style like my char has that I drew, like this: http://kurayenna.deviantart.com/gall...t=120#/d34j3r5 Its just curiosity, to try make my dragie closer to what in rl looks like, at least in my mined XD.

Oh, now that Im thinking, is there a way to make some like armbands or just some random things to wear? I mean, my dragie uses to wear fingerless long gloves, and was thinking if there's a way to make them like a mod so I can see them in game. I just got so mutch ideas but I dont know how to try and edit models. wich program I need to do so to try hting smyself so I can only request :/ Lets hope something of it its possible.

Thats all I think :3