Been trying to figure out what to say to the "People these days are morons," stuff. Are there a lot of tools? Sure, but, I don't think there are as many as one might think there are.

The world these days is sooo complicated that we have started to become even more specialized in our fields. I always chuckle at my friend who does tech support, who gets so angry at the people he deals with. "They're so stupid! How do they not know how their operating system works!? HOW DO THEY GET VIRUSES! Morons!!!!! All of them!" When the truth is, I bet he doesn't know squat about what those people are specialized in and good at. What might be common sense to you and I, is not common sense to another yet.

The internet, computers, these new massive social webs? They're geared to be easy to use and get people invested and into them. They do a good job of that, which is a good thing and also a scary thing. I don't think it's any cause to state the human race is getting dumber and dumber. However, Youtube is doing a great job at showing us the dumbest of our kind. I mean, that's who we all laugh at and they're going to get the most hits! It's our nature, sadly enough.

Ya, so, I saw this on Amon's signature, and I really like it.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

I think it fits what this thread has turned into.