Well.. Wisp ML seems fairly straightforward. The Enriched wisps are the equivalent of rich nodes, I believe?

As for Helians... And, sort of, Lunus as well.

(First: I do realize that there are still -a few- players who honestly enjoy leveling craft, and I also realize that guildies helping gather is not a rare occurence, even for those players - my problem is with the hatchlings who laze their way to, through, and after RoP.)

So many hatchies today are taking as many shortcuts as possible. Hatchlings eat crystals till lvl20 and then have older guildies gather them slate for hours on end, and by the time they hit level 30, they still barely know how to make a brick and scales. Arcane refusal? Never heard of it!

Recently I have had a few hatchies in -absolute shock- wondering why in Drulkar's name they'd never heard of it before...Because they won't listen! To anyone! Unless what they're hearing is "Yes, I will gather you slate to get you to lvl30DCRA."

Simple solution? Raise the crafting requirements. Or, at least, cement them - lvl30 (35 please? 40?!) is the absolute minimum. None of this "Oh, I will get to lvl40 ADV and then use T3 scales and a T6 machine to get my skill high enough." (with someone else plvling me to 40 and someone else making me the scales after gathering the comps themselves.)

Make the Helian and Lunus craft requirements equal, so that hatchies will seriously consider both classes. At this point, Helians are practically comic jokes when talking about RoP to a new hatchling. "More crafting? Really? Grand idea!"

As the real Helian incentive, though, I recently thought of something that would make it worthwhile. The devs eventually plan on breaking the lvl100 cap, if I heard right? Well - why shouldn't Helians be the ones to do it? With craft. Even without the lvl101 up, all that is needed is perhaps a scale to boost the attributes - a special, attuned, worthless-as-hoard (unhoardable) head scale. Claims to improve eyesight or whatnot. Maybe even a full set of scales - one scale for each material being worked?

Start it as a quest, so all current Helians must still work for it. Perhaps require a set of fully-teched Essence shaping, stone cutting, smelting, etc. scales (or require them as quest items to be turned in, like the RoP scales ) along with _freaking insane amount of this material that needs to be processed_ and then the quest giver will focus it all into a single scale. That scale will boost the attribute enough to make the wearer efficient at T6 crafting. Helians only.

At least...for now? They might decide to share eventually.