New patch issues: all resources now have to be targetted at ground lvl, IE: cows feet, tree's roots, so on... all act like they are metal or stone nodes.

next: a major issue. /saveui says prefs saved, yet you relog and all prefs, IE: window sizes, open cargo disk windows and open inventory windows, all closed upon relogging. windows resized winds prefs restting to default after relog. 2 possible causes for this are:

A: /saveui or exiting to save prefs is not properly saving.

B: saved prefs are not being loaded by the game

i always keep inventory and cargo disk windows open at all times. now when i relog i have to reopen wich causes 2 other problems.

1: i hit "I" for inventory and i get cargo disk instead, i need to close that window and hit "I" again to get inventory.

2: it resets all windows to same size as my inventory or cargo disk window, when opening silos, pouches or other various windows, causing them to appear on top of inventory or cargo disk window, instead of where i originally saved them

please fix the use of saved prefs file