Sort of similar with the "Not enough unguarded resources" but looking at the quantity of resources globally.
Seriously - there are not enough resources, guarded or not - and i have the pleasure of playing on Order where population is scarce.
What I mean is that 2 players can dry out the slate field at Snowfall, 2 players can dry out the the Maple Forrest at Sanctuary Bay (or at least rare it so much that i became really slow to gather logs) and so on and so forth.
Even the fields rich in resources can be put into difficulty by 2 - i mean glowing orbs/granite at drift point.

I can't imagine how it was when the Shard was really populated.

For example I really like what you did for Dark Iron at Acul. Now, even if I miss the iron from there, I'm really-really grateful for what you did there. THAT is a really nice spot now and I'd wish you can do it for all major resources fields - aka the ones that are in range of settlements/guilds

So as a conclusion - an overall increase in spawn rate and or an increase in number of nodes would be very helpful.
Also if possible to unlink the various resource fields (if possible).