I thought this might be fun I posted this in the Istaria-Club on Deviantart.
here is the journal link


Here is what the journal says if you don't wish to click the link.

How did YOU find Istaria? What's YOUR story?

Hey all, Agua here!

I thought this might be fun since the game is under maintenance.
So tell me, How did you find Istaria? What's your character(s) story? How long have you been playing?

Here's mine:

I found Istaria by accident. When I was 13 a friend and I became crazy about dragons after reading Eragon. We decided we wanted to write out own book, she was going to write with my and her ideas and I was going to draw the pictures. So it started a story about two eleven girls who found 2 dragon eggs 1 white and 1 black. The story didn't get very far because well.. we found Istaria, or Horizons as it was called back in those days.
One day while searching google for pictures of dragons I stumbled across a Guild Wars dragon model picture and I loved it and tried to find out where it was from but then I found out you couldn't actually play the dragon and I didn't want some pet so I kept looking Could there be more games with dragons?! - I thought (I do believe this is where the gamer came out in me. ) So after ridiculous amount of searching I found it... Horizons : Empire of Istaria... I waited what felt like 3 days for the download to complete my friend and I both eager to try it out.
Finally the day came we logged in she created a silver dragon, and I created in my mind what was as close to Saphira as I could get (now you all know why Agua is blue.) But I could not name her Saphira so I decided she would be a water dragon, her scales looked like flowing water after all with the swirls... so Agua Rush was born. Agua being spanish for water. (Water Rush - give me a break I was 13. )
The first things we did in game were a few quests but then we explored ALL over. I remember being a level 3 hatchie on Isle of Ice and we ran to the ice bridge dodging golems and freaking out the whole way. It was love at first sight. I later around level 15 met someone from Timeless (guild) and joined. My friend couldn't afford the subscription so she stopped after the trial. Ever since then I have never looked back. I've enjoyed Istaria for years on end. Made many friends and had many adventures and I know there are more to come.
I have now been playing for about 5 years. Long Live Istaria!

Now on the other hand as for RP stories Agua and Lolaya both have one here goes. :

Agua's Story. (Please keep in mind when I invented this background I was 13. I just don't have the heart to change it)

My mother was a sea dragon, confined to live a life in water unable to step foot on land. My father was an air drake who spent his life flying high above the ocean and restrictions of land and sea, but after a bad storm my father was knocked unconscious and fell into the sea where he fell into the care of my mother. Forbidden was such two different dragon kinds helping another especially ones who were so opposite. Regardless of her peoples disapproval and scorn she still took care of the drake...and fell in love. She nursed him back to health visiting a shore line cave everyday pulling her self out of the water only to be able to stay a few hours before she had to return to the sea, but in those few hours and days of her care he too came to love her. So in secret they committed themselves to one another and conceived me as an egg. My mother hid her pregnancy well and visited my father everyday meeting him at the shores edge when he was at full health again. They knew however that dark days were coming, and neither of them could keep me, it broke their hearts. My mother was found out by her people, pregnant and they only assumed the worse that I would be impure, half blooded, and a damnation. She fled from them my father flying above the sea and she swimming below, they didn't stop for three days pushing themselves to over exhaustion. Finally they reached Skalkar (spelling.. training isle) a place they had heard took in hatchlings. They left my egg on a beach and waited for me to hatch, when I did they were shocked. I was not a damnation or formed incompletely, I was whole. A young dragoness with sky blue scales and glittering water-like swirls. The head fins of my mother and the wings of my father..... The last thing I remember is my mother placing a necklace around my neck and them nuzzling me good-bye. I was heart broken and didn't understand, abandoned at just a few hours old... the others found me that way, took me in, and taught me to be a dragon. As a hatchling I was adopted by another family, FlatSpin and Calypsorn. They and my guild mates raised me and guided me. When I became an adult I ascended and completed the Rites with two of my hatchling friends Aideen and Trica we were all of Helian fraction. As an adult I was given a saris kit and raised her as my own, but that is another story. I carved my lair deep into Chiconis' mountains and mated a few drakes who never stuck around too long... I have one hatchling of my own who sleeps constantly and one saris daughter. And I have adopted few over the years though they do not wake or have moved on as well. So these days I just enjoy my time with friends, Dievara, Emerdy, Trica, Racazur, Aedre, Sithas, Lolaya, Shakespeare, Flagon, Shashy, Shartan and many many others.
I enjoy helping everyone and am still in process of completing my lair. I read lots and do a bit of art in my spare time. I am Agua Rush, Helian Dragoness of Timeless and this is my story... thus far.

Lolaya's Story.

I was raised by a dragon, but not just any dragon, Agua. Now, you may scoff and cringe but I was not raised as a slave or a toy, or as dinner. No not Agua she would never do that. I was raised as a friend, as a daughter, and as an equal. Now you may continue to scoff if you are a dragon of Lunus descent but that is the way she raised me, and I owe who I am to that wonderful dragoness. Any how, you may ask yourself how did that happen? Well let me tell you.
I am from the Isra Lilitu clan. Meaning "Dwellers of the Night." My people lived in the darkest parts of the forests outside Feladan. We were night stalkers, active during the night but mostly just dwelling in darkness...

Every single one of my people had fur like mine, blacker then coal, void of any other color. Our pelts were one of our greatest prides and camouflage. Our fur was thin in the summer months and thick in winter but whenever shed it was gathered and burned. We were a very secretive and mysterious people. Our ears long and larger then most saris giving us more sensitive hearing then others. We could hear hear, see, and smell the forest around us, the darkness was not our enemy but rather our strongest ally. We moved like mist through the trees could follow groups in the forest with out them even knowing our presence. The few who knew of us were those we helped when they were lost in the darkness. We were a peaceful tribe, no need for weapons other then for hunting. Peaceful and tranquil hunters and gatherers. Females spending most of their time raising young, and adorning ourselves with jewelry and braiding our long hair. Males spent time hunting, gathering, patrolling out territory and of course sniffing around the females. However, the Isra Lititu were formal and that is how my father and mother met. He was a warrior chief, leader of our defense forces and she... well she was said to be the most beautiful saris of our clan. A druid healer and spell weaver and she sure put a spell on my father. They became mates and I was born a few months later. I remember clinging to my mother as she proudly kept me always with her in a sling around her chest, but our happy times were not to last. When I was just a few months old the Aegis found our home, they ravaged our village killing everyone in their path, no mercy for women or children. My father and the others defending quickly fell to the dark magics we had no chance. My mother ran as fast as she could through the trees and underbrush, finally she came to a clearing the sun burning her eyes she barely made out a figure standing in the field... a young dragoness who by the looks of it had recently ascended, Agua. My mother ran to her and began to jabber at her in our native tongue, scaring the scales off Agua and just making her confused until she looked at the tree line and saw the smoke... and the aegis arriving all around. Now Agua being the dragoness she is tried to pick up my mother in hopes to fly away, but my mother would have nothing to do with it, why ... i do not know i would guess to create a distraction.. but she clawed at her and shoved me into her paws. Agua told her even though she didn't know if she would understand that she would take care of me.... and then flew off quickly knowing she was unable to help and would surely die if she stayed....
That was my first time flying... and the only thing i remember is Agua trying to cover my ears... but all i could hear was my mother's final screams.
I was sure Agua would eat me, but she took me to her lair and let me sleep in her bed chamber. She fed me and cared for me. She is the most gentle dragon I have ever known , soft spoken and with a tender heart. Though strong enough to kick anyone's tail. I am free to leave and come to the lair whenever I wish, like I said i was raised as an equal not a slave. Agua is my best friend and the closest thing I have to a mother. When I came of age Agua gave me a small golden chord head band that was my mother's. She told me what happened and took me to the place of my people. I found out their history from what little remains was left, and took any sort of books I could find which now reside in Agua's libraries. I taught myself to read the language of my people which was similar to other dialects of saris. But Agua raised me speaking in draconic. I have a thick accent that is linked with my Isra Lititu heritage and my draconic upbringing. My fur is like my people's black as night with a few jaguar/leopard looking spots around my nose and cheeks. My eyes are brilliant swamp green and my ears are larger then other saris like my peoples. I became a spell weaver like my mother, a mage. I also took up healing and druidic magics but my passion is working with fire. I became an outfitter and I love to sew and weave armor, clothes, and giant silk pillows for my dragon friends.
I wear gypsy like clothing that is dark colored usually shades of purple and dark green. My hair is long and tumbles down to the middle of my back and is as black as my fur. My tail is long and helps me for balance, I am overly protective of it do not touch the tail. I also often travel as a hooded figure keeping my face covered with a long hooded dark cloak. I keep to my self often and open up and show my self to few... I can hold my own in a fight Agua has taught me well along with what I feel is the spirit of my mother. I wield a blood thorn staff and I am studying to be a ranger which I greatly enjoy.
If you should run into me, don't be afraid as long as you don't touch my tail, insult my accent, or talk rudely about dragons we will get along just fine.
I am Lolaya SwiftClaw, believed to be the last of the Isra Lititu Clan, member of Timeless, daughter of Agua Rush.


So there you have it. IF you are still with me, Thank you for reading
Now please, tell me your story

~ Agua