Currently I'm very angry about the game. At least once - but most often several times the day the whole game just freezes up when I port to different places.

The Istaria-window doesn't do anything anymore. When I change to other windows open (I play in windowed mode) I'm not able to switch back then (it just doesn't refresh the screen from the window). And more often it also freezes other applications on my computer as well! Sometimes its my messenger, sometimes its my browser. When I kill istaria.exe from the memory the other programs work just fine then again.

What is this? It cannot even send a crash report because its so freaky frozen that it doesn't can do anything else *murrs*

And when I log in back then, it takes several minutes because the file loading at the load screen and converting every texture takes ages then compared to seconds when I just finish the game normally. Like it has changed anything since the freaking freezing. It really takes my mood to reopen the game then.