Morinare Blackclaw, Knowledge Seeker, will be ascending to Ancient on Wednesday, 29 August, at 10am, EST US...what time that is, locally, for everyone else, you'll have to figger out on your own....

The Ascension will take place in the Arena, just outside the Southern Gate of Tazoon, a spot everyone can reach easily and without danger (as long as the little ones hug the walls, and don't go wandering around!).

All are invited and welcome....Bring Your Own Bottles or Iced Gnome Liqueur Cookies...I would ask that the larger seating areas be reserved for the wide-body Ancients....

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Ancients who showed up to help on yesterday's Rift run...I was expecting 3 or 4, and was very gratified to find a half-dozen or so....we had a lot of fun, too!

And, let that be a bit of advice to all the newer players and especially the younger dragons: make friends! Come to the Dragon Chat channel and let us get to know you...most of us don't bite (or, at least, seldom bite hard enough to cause injury) and we're happy to, when you're known to most, you'll find that a lot of folks will drop whatever they're doing to come help you, as I did yesterday....

Hope to see all of my friends, old and new, on Wednesday!