The way current plot / lair permissions work is like this.

At the plot level you can set permissions as:

  • Deny All
  • Allow All
  • Guild Only
  • Friends Only (can manage plot friends list here)

At the individual structure level you can set permissions as:

  • Locked
  • Open
  • Guild Only

Any player attempting to access a structure needs to meet both the plot and structure permissions.

This works for some scenarios but not others. Many players - myself included - would like to leave a few silos public. My lair is very close to resources and I would like to leave most of the silos around my crafting chambers open for the convenience of other players.

But to do that I have to set the plot level permission to Allow All. This unfortunately isn't an option. I share the lair with another Dragon which means I use Friends Only as the plot level setting. I believe the Friends Only setting is also commonly used to allow a player's alts access to a plot.

A relatively small change to the permission system which would offer MUCH more flexibility would be...

At the plot level you can manage your plot friends list:
  • Friends (can manage plot friends list here)

** removed Deny All, Allow All, Guild Only, Friends Only settings **

At the individual structure level you can set permissions as:

  • Locked
  • Open
  • Guild
  • Friends [NEW]
  • Guild + Friends [NEW]

Any player attempting to access a structure need only meet the structure permissions [NEW]. Note, however, that a separate friends list would not be kept for each structure. A single friends list would be stored at the plot level (as now) and checked if that option was selected for a structure.

The only option lost with this scheme is using the plot level Deny All setting to instantly deny access to everyone but the owner. This could added as an extra setting / check if desired.

It would be even better if you could allow for two or three separate friends lists but that would probably require a redesign of the structure level permission UI - eg. adding multiple-select checkboxes. That might be difficult?