Question about two of the Dragon Tech-Kits, specifically Battle-Forged and Sharper (yeah, done a forum search, and THINK I have it figured out...just wanna be sure! )

If I'm reading things correctly, Battle-Forged gives me a +10 on damage, and a +50 to Tooth/Claw, which would also translate to a slight (dunno how much) increase in does NOT affect the chance to hit.

Sharper, on the other hand, has the same +10 to damage, but also adds a +50 to attack skill, giving a better chance to hit.

Is this basic summary correct, please?

Now, to the possibly contentious bit...what *specific* attacks or types of attack do these Techs work on? I would assume that both would affect the basic claw-swipe you get by hitting the "Attack" button...but, do either/both also affect any of the other "claw" attacks (GR, SS, etc.)?

The other Tech-Kits are (at least, I think they fairly self-explanatory in doing very specific things....but, these two are a bit more open to interpretation, and, I'd really like to know what - exactly - each does.

Thanks very much for any info!