Because it is better to acknowledge such things.

Complaint number one, I have noticed -no- enforcement of Order being a 'roleplaying' shard whatsoever. Certain individuals are even taking advantage of this, viewing Order as a lower-population alternative to Chaos. The ones in question quite plainly ignore standards like OOC, discussing topics from quests to game mechanics to basketball, all in the grammar-less uncapitalized 'I's and first letters. I find this an insult, as I both denote my OOC quite heartily with a double set of parenthesis, (()), and take pride in my passable use of the English language. Note that I have named no names, because that would lead to my post being shot down, bringing me to my next issue.

The forums, which should be a medium for discussion, are chock full of closed threads. One particular agitation was a late-night suggestion to make -head scales- visible. I was shot down twice in quick succession, linked to a post on making dragon armor visible, and the thread was closed, all before I could elaborate that a standard model be added, working on the same concept as the masks that one of them brought up. An assumption was made, because the others who read the post did not see the same picture I did, and I was too tired to elaborate.

This demonstrates a degree of contempt for the newer players in the community and a lapse in logic on the part of the forum moderators and/or the developers, the latter based around the concept of a suggestions forum, which is to bring in ideas that might not have otherwise been thought of. If this is the case, then when a post is not dripping with information, instead of assuming you already know, why not ask for elaboration? In this particular case, I had read both the dragon armor posts and the FAQ's, but did not see enough of a correlation to assume that my suggestion would be invalid; had an assumption not been made that everyone else knew what I was referring to, then the idea might have been proved valid with a simple copy/paste experiment.

Lastly, I want to come back to my earlier comment on the treatment of newer players; having put forth the effort and managing to become an Ancient dragon shortly after my hundredth day of playing Istaria, I found myself still missing a few smaller pieces of information, such as the process of obtaining a particular ice damage conversion crystal. When it came up in the marketplace, I decided to ask where the quest started; if I was answered, the answer was buried under a series of remarks on my ineptitude, implications that I was power-leveled, and complaints about ancients less than 120 days old (of which I happen to be one). While I understand the need to thin out the utterly inept and nincompoopish individuals that occasionally stumble upon Istaria and treat it as a repeatable 14-day playground, in this case the sarcasm and nastiness was utterly uncalled for, especially over such a small piece of information.

Alright, I'm done. ^.^