Leaving the sarcasm from the title aside, I realized that too many small things added up to make the game less appealing for me.
I felt really bad dismantling my beloved lair that i was so proud off and I'm pretty sure that i will miss my dragon even more.
But what I really miss already is the very nice community on Order. You, ladies and gents, made my stay in Istaria really enjoyable and i want to thank to each and every one of you. I won't give names cause i simply don't want take the chances to forget someone, but you know who you are. <3
I still have the ped and will probably log him in from time to time.

Regarding the reasons, frustrations started to build up more than 1year ago with what I still consider common sense suggestions being closed/ignored, then continued with "fixing" the prototype claw, missing crystal buffs, changes to SoG and Valkor, Clarity "fix" following with general stun 'fixes', limits on biped plots (really bad timing for me cause i was close to pick a plot for my ped at that time), BattleMages almost losing plate and not at last old bugs getting even older and new bugs coming in with every patch.

Also I really really dislike what i call the "give/take" mentality. What do I mean?
Dragon's spellcasting abilities cannot be improved without nerfing their melee ability. Amon made that clear on several occasions.
Getting Crystalshaping also meant we lost the buffs from consuming dropped crystals, with months and months prior of actually getting Crystalshaping.
Healers/Clerics got improved but we got an increase on Resurrection spell from 30s to 60s
Battlemages were (might still be) in the process of being improved but at the cost of their ability to wear plate.
T1 resources were rearranged nicely around Nuthala but we lost Azulyte from the undead area nearby thus rendering that crystalshaping lair useless and making t1 lairshaping bit harder.
We got some improvements to T6 crafting, but dragons lost prototype claw in the process.
And examples can continue.