My in game name is Uther Blade or you may know Baranth. I am Thaalia or Holth's in game and RL mate.

About 4 months ago, many of you full time players on Order may have noticed Thaalia playing less or not being in game. Thaalia loved Istaria, and while I was not always present, we spent many hours talking about Istaria and what she was building or what she planned on building, or frankly, complaining about the Devs.

Thaalia and Holth will not be back to Istaria, at just after 3:00am MST 17 January, her RL counter part, passed away. While she was unable to be in game, everyday her mind was in the game, missing chatting with Knossos, or answering questions about the game, or simply crafting.

While my message is heart braking tonight, I hope you will all celebrate Istaria, and work and play to keep it the place she loved to be and was for her, a home away from home inside our home.

Thank you all for being part of her life and part of her joy.

Uther Blade