Family Plots.... Chuckle! Sounds like we're pushing up daisies, but we're not.

The various plots that Herman and I own in Carmo & Mithril Anvil are safe again! I'll be checking them this evening to make sure the public buildings permissions are correctly set again. We had a change of credit card number snafu, but it is all good now.

The rumors of Herman's death in RL, are just that, rumors. He's doing fine, he goes to dialysis 3 times a week (he's at it right now as I write this) and hopefully will be on the kidney transplant list soon. He still works at AT&T (he's been even doing overtime on Saturdays recently due to big projects). He sometimes can be found lurking around on one of the LotRO servers and the last couple of months has been playing various Steam games.

I'm hoping home sickness will hit him soon and he'll wend his way homeward to Istaria.

Love you all!! Nellie & Ochre

*Toddles off to fix the Tavern's permissions*