After sitting on Chaos for a while in silence killing golems alone, flying in circles alone on Order simply because very little people are online, and deciding not to write something in a group chat I'm in because people won't know what I'm talking about, I came to the idea for an Istarian Skype group chat.

In case you don't know, Skype group chats are a text-based but able to be voice-called group of 2 or more people in Skype, a free IM platform.

I'm not sure how everyone in the game feels about Skype itself, whether they use it only for family or for friends like I do, but in general I feel like it'd be an interesting idea to have a relatively large cross-server group Istaria chat just to chat about Istaria-related things - patch notes, rift runs, who solo'ed Reklar recently (I wish), etc. If you need a group for an epic hunt you could just ask for anyone on Chaos if they want to join, and maybe some people who normally wouldn't join would log on to help. Same for rift runs and whatnot.

The issue does arise that some people just don't like each other but in the end that's unavoidable and if Mr. Vinegar and Ms. Baking Soda get mixed, all we can do is just hope they don't react. We'd just have to rely on the good will and manners of people not to start bickering if they want to avoid each other.

I've already created a chatroom for it on Skype and made a few documents on Google Docs with basic rules and a character list for anyone who is in the group (sometimes people don't have Istaria-related usernames). Currently the character list only contains a few people as I write this, but hopefully it'll grow!

So if you want to join and chat with some Istarians out of the game in an IM, please either write here your skype name and characters + their respective shard or send it to me in a private message if you prefer. ^^

My only goal with this is to chat and have fun so please don't be hesitant