
I received a newsletter asking players to return to Istaria.
However i have to tell you, as much as i liked the world of Istaria, the engine is simply too outdated to play in.
Because most of the gameplay mechanics are a grind, and too timeconsuming, and the world is not pleasant to walk around in because of it looks so outdated, its simply not tempting to come back.

I would love to see an engine update for this game.
Also non-grindy entertaining game mechanics that make you enjoy a game if you only have an hour or so spare time in the evening.

Why are the devs not converting this game into a new engine i wonder?
Use for example Unity game engine and most aspects of the game can be imported, also this ensures your engine will stay up-to-date.
In fact i would be up myself to contribute to a project like this.

Best regards,