Hey Everyone,
I never did get to do a Hello to the Community a long time ago so i thought I'd do one today.
I'm AlaeNymVoarx, I come from the Order Shard, which i been apart of for more than a year now.
I've been on a Istaria on and off, I really love being apart of the game and Community, hopefully i can finally open up more into the forums. I'm very nice and friendly ingame i don't mind to help you with anything you could need from a Quest or someone to just talk with, some of you here already know me, but a lot of you forum-goers do not, so i wanted to Say Hai. I do slurp a lot, You've been warned. (:

Abit about me:

I've been a Former Community Manager for over 3 months, on a small Server that no longer exists. It was a great Honor to get to do that, something I never thought I'd get to be apart of.
I love to work and have fun with friends and family alike, I'm a huge Dragon-fan, I really love them, I love Wolves and all kinds of Animals. I enjoy learning new things and doing something new. I'm not a Drawer, I love Music and taking walks, and enjoying a nice pretty day outside. I'm pretty skilled at Computers, and capable of fixing most issues Remotely.

That's pretty much all i can think of for now, Thanks. If you like to know more or hangout, you can find me ingame on Order, Skype, and here on forums. Enjoy.