This might seem like an extremely rash and for that matter impudent request, but I was curious about the details of the actual behind the scenes operation that goes into making these updates and how you go about doing them. I tried searching the forums for any relevant thread but as far as I can tell this thread would be the first of its kind, so in that case I thought maybe I should just bite the bullet and pop the question it can't cause that much harm right?

So for that matter I am curious how exactly are new updates to Istaria achieved? is there a terrain editor? do you have a list of various mobs that you can access to adjust various statistics as required? is there a script system dedicated to creating new quests? and how user friendly is it all?

You know this original message really came about when I wondered what the whole process would look like and could I have a go? In fact when I first posted this I had no idea if this should go under general because I was curious or under suggestions because I have the urge to do some editing in my own little unique browser of Istaria separate from the server itself that I can tweak and create as I so please. It sounds crazy and maybe alarming, but when I came here I was actually told that maybe I would be better off asking the devs themselves.

Maybe a simple behind the scenes video can do it just to set my mind at rest about the games inner workings and go back to my lazy afking on top of Bristugo's roof where I can simply ask silly questions without actually being a detriment other people. To think this all started when I wondered why we don't have adamant tavertine scales for dragons, or weapons and armor for naka in that case.