Alright! over the past few days I've been discussing how the biped leveling experience can be summed up in one word, "grind", so how about we add some more quests to that, huh?

First I want to make clear though, this is not an appeal at the devs to add in more quests, this is more a discussion thread for something I have tiny tidbits written down for and plan to submit to the devs as one big collection of quests. But let's get down to business.

The Adventure Thread will be posted later, please keep suggestions/discussion for those outside of this thread! feel free to send me a PM regarding them though.
I currently have a google spreadsheet in which I'm writing down both basic and in-depth info on each of these before I go and write down the actual quests, I will make these open in a couple of days once I get the basic layout done in such a way that it isn't annoying or difficult to read.

The main thing I'm looking to discuss here is:
-Potential rewards per class.
-Length of the quests.
-Goals of the quests.
-At which levels there should be quests available, and how many should there be?.

The first point is something completely open to discussion, throw ideas at me, let's discuss them! New art assets, in essence, is no problem, I'm a 2D artist who has focused on game design over the past years and my current partner is a 3D artist who is willing to make models for istaria, and we're both volunteering for this.

The second point, I might actually have a general idea for, I was thinking along the lines of the Defender of New Trismus line, not too long but definately not a "Gather [X], Create [Y], deliver to [Z]" type of quest. Or perhaps closer to Trials of the Gifted, which is slightly shorted than the Defender quest if I'm not mistaken. A big point should be that you get several levels from doing them, I'm not saying shower us with levels, but atleast get a nice amount whilst doing these (3/4 or so)
A fun idea would be that all these quests (per class) are part of a single story-line for which you unlock more and more as you level. I actually have this already considered for one class, which I'll talk more about later in this post.

Goals, the goals should be something fun, something that might make you chuckle when you see it appear, or something that makes you look forward to other/more quests, one thing I do want to point out, is that they shouldn't be copy-paste rewards, neither from each other or already existing quests (so no measly 500 copper). As an example in the thread where I discussed this previously, people came up with the idea of better stat-boosting food, or food that gives you particle effects for Confectioner.

Lastly, the frequency of the quests, I personally get the feelig that this is very dependant on the class, but at the very least, 5 per class (10-30-50-70-90 or 5-25-45-65-85, or anything else allong those lines) should be a nice amount for now (think of it as the first wave of addittions), but as with all other points, this is all up for discussion!
Other things to potentially discuss:
-Lore that could be explored through the quests, for example, we could be making items that used to belong to an old race, or perhaps a group of follower of a specific deity. Or even lore related to specific areas.*
-What makes a class unique? I have most classes written down except those that handle armour (Outfitter, Tailor and armorer) and Fletcher, I simply cannot figure out what truly makes them unique, this helps with figuring out what quests rewards could aso be potentially applied.
-Whatever else you people can come up with.
Here's an example of a quest reward I've written up:

Jeweler -> Relics of Skitr -> Jewelry pieces unlocked over the leveling process (formula or one-time reward? either way Town Marshalls make sure you can get them multiple times), not a lot of tech-able use, I was actually thinking of making them non-techable, but all pieces give a nice boost to speed, and all pieces together should give you a boost in speed similiar to how the priceless jewelry pieces were on blight (2 pieces gave +60 each if I'm not mistaken before it was changed to +30 on the necklace only if I'm not mistaken), so roughly a +100 speed in total (+20 per piece?). All these pieces would have pieces of lore tied to them, as to what I have no idea, but the name would be something I'd like to keep (Skitr<->Skitter, as well as it being an abbreviation for something that might give some people a chuckle)

I currently have potential rewards for:

I have some single rewards for other schools, but not anything I could spread over levels as a line of rewards.