As the subject says, this is just a question...not a suggestion, demand, push, or whatever you want to call it - BUT a chance to start a dialog.

Took the time to read thru a few threads and as much as I foresee a whole slew of problems that would need to be over come first, least of all 'selling' it to the players - want to pose a question. Many of the threads dealt with the insubstantial number of players on Order and a supposed (Never played there) LOT of players on Chaos (heard plot are rare and difficult to come by)...

Has there been consideration as to ...yes...another and final Shard Merger?

I ask this in all honesty despite (these are negatives):
Some Orderians not wanting to mix with Chaotics
RP vs. non-RP
Laid back, friendly, and cooperative vs. (Not sure exactly how it works on Chaos, but heard some...less than nice things)
and besides the next point, sure others have (and will post) other negatives...

Perhaps the most difficult hurdle to overcome - - - - Lair and Plot Ownership

Now assuming there is a way to fix the plot/lair issue so the Order players whose plots are already owned on Chaos (assuming the idea that Order is folded into Chaos), continue to have a plot/lair as built (could see more islands or land masses built for this or even a 'Mirror' landmass to remedy this problem)...

The potential benefits:
From an economical stand point - perhaps half the overhead - running 1 main shard vs. 2
A larger player-base for all people at more times
Improved Economy
Improved Employment opportunity's (Mostly those in the construction trades I would guess)
Better chances of getting groups together for Epic Hunts, not to mention grouping in general
and I'm sure there are more benefits I'm not thinking of or too tired to think of.

So...there it is...and let the flaming begin...