Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
I really don't know where you're getting the 'they like to be special'. It's not really like they asked to be special? It's just something that happens. It's a lot like asking around for someone who can make X or Y old item except it's current items. There's nothing wrong with it and it's surely not a reason why people stay.
Well, I could literaly tell you many names here that do certain things just to be recognized in their small environment, but is of no use. People would just keep pointing fingers at me in the end, like if I were harassing someone. But there is a big load of people from Order that I dislike due to that.

Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
"A few days"? Do you understand how long it takes to make a full T6 lair or a full expert plot? It can take months with the average playtime. Yes, you can rebuild elsewhere, it's not a huge issue if it were 'just rebuilding', but it's a huge time sink. I'd hate to rebuild my lair from scratch because I've had it for years and spent months putting it all together.
Yes, you spent months putting it all together, that means you couldn't do it again. Of course people are keen to keep to what they have, and since they already put efford into something once, they're not willing to do it twice. No worries, everyone has it's desitions. I respect yours.

Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
Yes? It is? I wouldn't stay on Order if I wasn't comfortable. My friendships wouldn't "dissolve" just because we moved servers. The issue is that it costs 25$ per character. I have 6 ancients, 1 lvl 100 adult, and 1 rating 144 adv/132 craft ped. It would cost me $200 to move my high level characters. People just can't afford to mass move Order and so some will be left Leaving friends is why we won't leave Order right now and not why we wouldn't want a merge.
I didn't mean it that you would have to pay and move all fo your characters. I meant it the way that if the servers would to merge, no payment for transfer would be needed, so. The money issue is not the problem here.

Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
No RP? I'm sorry, have you even looked at Order lately? Every single day the RP channel is flashing like mad on my tabs. We may not gather and physically RP anymore, no, but we keep the RP going and there are a few storylines I'm aware of. There was a dead zone a year ago and for some time before that, but it's living again.
Last time I was in for like 6 hours (last weekend), nobody was talking beside on Marketplace. RP is not a thing on Order anymore, heck I even RP more on Chaos lol. There might be personal RP here and there, but you just won't be going around asking everyone. "Do you RP? Do you wanna RP?" Maybe that day you say there must have been some friends talking to eachother, cuz honestly, I have not seen RP in months ,or even more on Order.

Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
Okkaaay? I'm sorry that we sometimes show confidence in our smaller population? We have 20 people, yeah, but that means there's not "nobody to help us". :/ We may not hunt epics often but if we need an epic we can generally get enough people to kill them and usually everyone's willing to help since fighting an epic is a rarity and not a normality.
Well, if you have in consideration how many items/materials you need to make just one epic weapon/armor, the "rarity" of the epic hunts on Order are just too low for someone to actualy end up getting epic gear. To the point that people leave because they simply cannot achieve their gearing goal due to lack of personel.

Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
People leave to Chaos because they're lonely, have friends on Chaos, or just want more people. We know this. We aren't denying this. We're just sad to see people go. Is it so bad to be sad that your friends are moving servers to where you generally won't be able to speak to them anymore? No need to call people dumb and blind.
I say dumb and blind because lonelyness is not the only reason why people leave to Chaos. If they all were feeling lonely, then why not call a friend to come to Order instead of moving to Chaos? Same as people go from Order to Chaos, people from Chaos can move to Order. But they don't. Why? Well, unless those pedophiles on Order, elithists, haters and drama queens don't do something with themselves, well, I don't think anyone wants to go to Order. Is not fault of the shard, it is of the people that play on it. If you don't make newcommers or general players feel comfortable, if a random player just goes and harasses your hatchling, or they are generaly just trash or people that ignore you no matter how mutch you atempt to talk to them, then how do you pretend that people don't leave?
Is not just a matter of players, it is also a matter of what kind of players do play. And again, I'm not gonna say names. There are still many good people there, and people that don't deserve to have a community they have. But I have been trough a lot in Order during those 7 years, and one thing that never changes, is the hatred and elitism that soaks the entire shard. (God bless to exceptions)

Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
Wow, that dissolved into aggressiveness and insults. Also, we aren't "costing the devs money" because we're apparently selfish and don't want to move:

I literally have nothing to say to the rest of that. Wasting time? Wasting money? We are players too. If you think that lowly of the people who play on order, I've nothing to comment.

This thread is going south fast and I'm going to call a lock now.
Insult? I never insulted anyone, nor you, nor anyone else in this discussion. I am just sick and tired of blind people that pretend that everything is okay, that people are leaving and they're sad because of it. That they think that nothing concerns them.

Go ahead, call a lock on this. I was atempting to offer a solution for the people that cant afford a transfer to Chaos and have enough of the emptyness that Order has became. But have you realized that most of the protesting players are the ones from Order. I wonder why is it?

Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Like I sayd, it will end up sooner or later. And I'm gonna be there to laugh in the end, at the ones that were so deeply into their own world that they didn't realize they could have saved both servers by submiting to lose something minor than their entire game once it closes.

Again, hate on me. I won't answer anymore. I am sick of this drama.