During my recent journeys through the lands of Istaria, I have notice a very verylarge amount of unowned small plots (atleast on Chaos). I'm not for sure if this due to the size of these plots being undesirable or if there is just not enough players on the shard to take up ownership of these plots, or most likely a combination of both. I do know that these small plots are everywhere unowned, and due to the size of plot structure footprints there is not much you can really build on them.

So, my suggestion is, why don't you combine two small plots to make a larger one in these areas that are filled with anoverwhelming amountunowned small plots, then maybe people (like myself and my friends) would be more then happy to purchase them :). It just seems to me that these small plots are for the most part a waste of spaceat this given time in the state of the game. I'm not saying get rid of all of them, because I'm sure many like them and the price,but it seems to me that we don't need the amount we have atm.

Just a thought :)