Lets make sure you folks have the proper info, so you aren't feeling out of place and falsely believing something is secure, just because you are told so.

Start with: Anyone that can tell you their internet site is "Secure" is lying. 2 words that do not belong in the same sentence are "Internet" and "Secure" so don't get a false sense of security when you hear these words. It's is impossible to be have a "secure" site. If you have any account on the web, someone knows or will figure out a breach. This is what hackers do, they find ways to bypass security.

If you use things like the "Cloud", you often hear about how secure it is.. False, and the so called secure cloud has been breached many times. So if you insist on using internet sites to back up your important data, be aware that it is and always will be available to the hackers and eventually, the public.

This includes Istaria. So please be more careful how you word this game in terms of Security. This is one of the least secure places on the web. Just because you say it is "Secure".. doesn't make it so.

This is just an FYI. If you have any useful info to add, please do.

Note: This is not a personal attack on Istaria, but people need to know the truth behind claims such as these, so they can make better decisions when creating accounts. Just trying to keep you better informed.