I stopped at my plot today in Darvus to swap from my dragon to my bi-Ped. After transferring junk, with my bi-Ped, I logged back on with my dragon. When I logged back into my dragon, he had acquired a plague while not in the game. I noticed he had "Plague of Akkinelos Effect". The details says all stats are lowered to 90% and lasts for 5 minutes. Well, when the timer hits 4:50 minutes it auto resets itself back to 5 minutes. It never counts down. Also it hits my dragon for 301 hit points every 30 seconds. Nothing will remove it and it does not count down until gone. I tried porting to Bristugo and waiting but the plague always resets to 5 minutes. What is going on? Why did I get the plaque while logged off or on my plot? Why is it always resetting to 5 minutes and never going away? Please help. Thank you. Fatuous/Slimey on Order.
Fatuouis has the plague.