hi guys! i need a favor from someone who has a highish level (at least 60 or higher) alt on blight shard. i am trying to do https://www.istaria-lexica.de/Imperi...y:_The_Assault and i can't defeat all three baddies before they write me in the ded book.
i need less than half an hour of your time. if you can get on blight and meet me at the south gate of ruined tazoon, and hold off the two elites/keep me up and moving, so i can advance the quest, i would be so very grateful!! i need to do this sub quest to get to the flaoting island attunement subquests, and after that, my adult rop.

i live in the us edt, so we will need to arrange a time we are both available. thru the week, i am available after 6pm, my time. on the weekends, i can arrange anytime!

i really hate to ask, and usually i don't have to, but i just can't get the right technique to take on all three at the same time.
please leave a message here if you are willing and when you would like to do this, and we will work out the details.

thank you so much in advance for your consideration!!

ps: this will be for mourningwood the hatchling, not the cheese queen!