How about a casted primal based heal in a similar vien to revitalise however with a much wider variance between min and max to emphasise the chaotic unfocused nature of primal magic.

I think by adding even one reasonable recycle direct heal to dragons it would greatly improve their combat ability.

Primal Heal I = 30-70
Primal Heal II = 60-120
Primal Heal III = 80-240
Primal Heal IV = 100-330
Primal Heal V = 120-400

Then scale it based on primal skill

Allow Primal Cleanse, Primal Heal Increase, Primal Heal recycle (all techs that should be created and appliable to breezes)

Optionally...Make it cost equivilant hoard to what it heals but that would probably just cause crying.