Calm down a bit.

Level 90 Adventurer is to start the adult RoP to Ancient. Like with all dragon quests, will need to be higher - thus the 100.

Crafting will need to be at least 90.TulgAE had better stick to lore and precedence - thus Adult dragons will need to craft an Ancient statue (from tier VI stone likely or exotic stone), likely some exotic mirror, and a phylactery to capture energies of some very difficult creatures. Thus high level crafting, 90 or so, for transmutation and scalecrafting (teched scales, dragon buffs, and :: groans :: biped buffs).

Would be nice to know the final requirements to start the series of quests. Would be nice to know the new Ancient abilities and bonuses to statistics and skills (besides Resurrection ability or spell or something). Sadly, that will be later. Sometime. Whenever. You know, discussion and all. Players started it. DB making a post stating "requirements" for discussion (apparently ignorant of earlier posts made by players),then beingsilent.

:: looks at his signature and shrugs ::the silence has been deafening for too long.

Edit: As for Manga's quote about grinding crafting levels. Well that is similar for Adventure levels - there are no or few dragon skill tasks beyond 70 so dragons are grinding through monsters for trophies or part of a biped party on Elnath enjoying some aspect of powerleveling to 100. Elnath is the pre-merge Cursed wolves for some or most players, wonder why he ignores that.