Is it an event, exhibition, celebration, commitment or intervention? You decide.

Tonight I intend to hit 100 in my third craft school, miner!

And then my fourth and fifth, mason and scholar. That's right, three 100's dinged in one night! I was going to do blacksmith tonight, as well, but I accidentally hit 100 in it last night while preparing, making it my second school to 100. I'm probably one of the few people to cuss when I reached 100. Oh well.

So I'll be in Aughundel around 9:30 PM EST (6:30 Pacific) to complete my training in those three schools. Drop by and say hello or just stare in amazement at the freakishly obsessed dwarf. Marble Golems are not welcome!

Oh yes, my first 100 school was outfitter. I managed to finish that one before the merge.