
My time here has come to an end. This post will be my last official post as admin of the community forums. 4 kids, an expanding company and a new project I am taking on keep me too busy to do the forums the justice. So I leave the forums in good hands and bid farewell to administration of the community forums.

To everyone who is part of this community I thank you for your support and participation, The community of Istaria could not the mature and helpful community it is without you. It has beenfun and I would doit all over again in a heart beat. Whilenot the largest you guys are the best community I have moderated and administrated for. Remember we are in this together and our common interest in Horizons is what brings us here. Rememberits a gameand have fun.I am not leaving the community, just shedding some of the responsibility.

So for those who have not agreed with my style you can rejoice now. Your days of oppression by me are over [<:o)] but remember I do reserve the right to show up now and then and rain on your parade [li].