Looks like a very good patch coming up again. Monk love, ELAR love, Dragon love. [:D]

One clarification to Primal Vengenace: it only goes to chest scale. Triple-teching is the only way to have it activate at the consistency of your typical weapon crystal. Remember that dragons are in short supply of tech slots. Each instance of PV takes away one slot that could give us a skill or stat boost, all of them badly needed.

I would be in favor of retooling existing spells that have multiple cleanses applied. It would sting, as my main alt is a healer (so far without multi-cleanse heals; feel free to rummage through my spellbook if in doubt) but I feel this is a necessary move. Triple-teched cleanse every five seconds - on a spell, I might add, that shouldn't have cleanse in the first place - renders debuffing enemies pretty much meaningless.