From what I have gleaned from the assorted threads I have scanned here to play Horizon you need the following:

Internet Explorer to get Active X Controls
A valid Credit Card
The d/l trial version 0.98 gig

IS that all??
Main question, after that little lot, is can the game be reasonably played over a 56k modem connection??
I see they do suggest that you have a cable connection, but I am prepared to wait the 3 days to d/l it over the 56K connection at 4 KB/sec, ruffly 1% per hour for the 3 days!

So is that ALL??
Are there other things I have yet to spot as essential that I have yet to find?? I haven't found any basic users guide or a getting started thread or set of postings, so is it a "go in blind" type of situation and then cancel if you can't work it out or get the hang of it??
I have not played this style of game b4, altho I have played Artifact by Samu, which it would seem to be slightly similar.

As I said in the title, I am a 100% n00b to this game and style of game, so as many of the basics that are critical to get the game running, and any other absolute basics would be greatly appreciated since I am not confident that after waiting 3 days to d/l the trial version, it is all that likely to work over the 56k modem connection.

Any tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated here, or in email if you prefer to take it off the forums. I am no pimply faced kid, and I apologise to any that are offended by that, but never mind, trust me, no matter how bad they appear to be, THEY DO PASS, I can swear to that. I have played on the BBS's b4 the internet was around, with fidonet and all the stuf from the good old days. I have extensively played text based strategy games and am no mug. Thru personal circumstabces, I happen to have a lot of time available to spend and invest in games like these, so if I get hooked, and all other things are EQUAL, then I could be in here a heckovalot of the time!

Your assistance is desired and encouraged![:P]