This happened to me. Was fixed a few days after opening a ticket. I had to re-do the Golem King quest, but that was it:

If you had the Golem King quest active during the previous weeks (April 26)maintenance where they made a change to the scale recieved from 3% to 5%, the quest dissapeared from your active quest log, and will not be listed as completed either.

ARoP - Scale of Ancients - The Golem King

After receiving your scale, Vladtmordt instructed you to tell the council of your success. i.e. greet V'Tieruu and click 1 link and that completed The Golem King quest. I went to do this late thursday after that weeks maintenance, and he gave me the first trial over again. Oh great I'm thinking.

If you never got around to closing the quest out, your questgot deleted during the change they made to the said quest. now your ARoP is basically in limbo, you'll be unlikely to start the second trial without having the Golem King quest completed.

Zideon had seen the problem before when I opened my ticket, he did something ( put an item in my inventory he said), I relogged, greeted Vladtmordt, and just had to redo the Golem King quest. Yes killed Umyarr yet again, waited 2 hours. Then hi-tailed it to the council and got the quest closed out.

You might want to check your completed quest logs. should be 11 ARoP type quests. Specifically you should have "ARoP - Scale of Ancients - The Golem King" listed in the completed list (click "Quest Name" to sort the list alphabetically)

Why didn't I just re-do the first trial you say? Well I tried, but at the 4th step in the scale quest from the hermit, where he takes the 3rd item (armor of the infinite), the links to get the 4th section are dead. Re-greeting the hermit he ignores you. I believe this portion of the quest has a different bug, otherwise I could probably just redone it.