Something to ponder for a little while:

An ability that is linked to each and every mob in the game, called "Rage of the Mob," that works only when in proximity to other mobs that have been aggro'd by the same person.

It is not based upon the level of the mob, either, but upon how many mobs share aggro on a target. Each tier of Rage of the Mob is linked to a multiple of the number of mobs (they don't have to be of the same school, either) that draw aggro on a person.

What does Rage of the Mob do?
Not sure, exactly. That's part of the reason why I'm posting the idea here.

It could, I suppose, increase the chance to hit for the mobs, or maybe the damage they do. Perhaps higher levels of RoM could reduce the recycle time of their special attack abilities. Maybe RoM could act as a large AoE debuff or stun on a group?

Maybe it does all of the above...[:|]

Why would you want to implement such an aggro density ability (ADA)? It would add to the challenge of group hunts, certainly. When you draw aggro of a train of mobs, you know for a fact that each and every member of your group will have to know what they're doing. It forces players to pick their targets carefully. It might put a serious damper on mass-slaughtering to PL low level players, because RoM would kill such low level players in very short order.

Why might you not want to implement such an ADA? I suppose RoM might negatively impact the economy, by slowing or stopping tech/form/comp farming. (I'm not an economist, so I can't say yes or no on that...but slowing the farming might increase the demand, and make each item more valuable). Being killed repeatedly by an ADA could drive players away from this game.

Someone may have suggested something similar a while ago. If so, then I cheerfully offer them creditfor the idea.