I think just the opposite, that it is HIGHLY appropriate to make real life comparisons to a high fantasy game environment, where they matter to MAKE the game fun and playable. Realistic elements are incorporated into fantasy worlds all the time, and form the foundations of many things people can do.

Thanks for your input. Im saying don't make real life comparisons and use them exclusively to justify a particular position. Why? Because if you are able to suspend your real life assumption about a flying fire breathing dragons or someone casting a fireball, I'm sure you can belive that someone can learn multiple crafter and adventure schools. For me this is totally withing the realm of possibility in a fantasy world.

Otherwise, why have rules? I shoot you! Fall down! No? WHY NOT???

Sure have foundations, I hit you with a sword it causes you damage you can heal yourself, as you level and grow you can absorb more damage and heal yourself more. This does not preclude someone from mastering many schools of craft and adventure.. IMO.

As I have said umpteen gajillion times before, SOME AMOUNT OF REALISM IS REQUIRED TO SUSPEND DISBELIEF. That includes having consistent rules that real-life people can identify with. Remember, you're a real-life person playing a fantasy game. If the game is completely abstract and inconsistent with anything in reality, it will be hard for you to identify with, and thus make the game less "fun". A silly example: Every time you swing your sword at a rock elemental, the only thing that happens is a pint of water appears in your inventory. Cope with that.

I don't think anyone is arguing for complete abstractation of reality. Im simply pointing out that if you can believe in flying dragons and wizards casting firebolts and clerics bringing people back from the dead whats so hard to accept about someone mastering many different adventure and craft schools. I dont think the BEDROCK OF REALISM is being destroyed by players being able to do this. The foundation of the world physics interaction is still there I don't see the problem.

It's not like a multicalssed character can turn water into wine or anything like that they just have options for example do I craft essence or smith. Is my character going to be nuker caster heavy or go for healing.

I suggested a possible solution, apart from taking me to task on abstractation of real life and suspension of belief in a fantasy world care to comment on my multi classing opinion?
